


I'm just an ordinary guy. A geek, a coder, believer to OpenSource software. I code for a living and for fun. I try a lot of stuff related to technology, software, computers, music, photography. I believe that a bit more good old common sense would solve most of our today's problems.

You will find me in several other places in the interwebs:

You will NOT find me on major social media sites. Just in case you were looking.

This is my digital home. This site is my personal playground: I occasionally build it from scratch, just to try some new technology.

My goal is to build as many parts as possible by myself. At the moment, the following parts are completely developed by myself:


Web Technologies

html5 css responsive web page design Web Components Web Sockets /

Programming languages

PHP JavaScript SQL [Postgres, Mysql] GO(lang) Java Python bash Rust C/C++ Ruby Haskell Android (Java) iOS (Swift)

Platforms / Frameworks

NodeJS / ExpressJS VueJS Sencha ExtJS Docker PHP Doctrine/DBAL Laravel Apache Cordoda


Unix/Linux PostgreSQL Server MySQL Server Windows (Client/Server)


Lecturer for OOD/OOP, Algorithms & Data Structures, students Karate, 1st dan shukokai


All the content you see here come from my pen. No write offs, no stolen code. I am responsible for all the content here.

This does not include the frameworks used to build this site, and also does not include linked pages. Those are not in my responsibility.

If you have any questions, inputs or other things you want to tell me, contact me under Thank you.